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PFB Vanish is a unique roll-on gel formulated to aid in the elimination of ingrown hairs, razor burns and bumps resulting from waxing, electrolysis, shaving and laser hair removal.
Combines hydrating exfoliation from glycolic, salicylic and lactic acids. Has an anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and antiseptic action with no irritation and no chalky white residue.
What is Pseudo Folliculitis Barbae (PFB)?
Not all women and men can look clean-shaven. Some individuals – especially with heavy, curly hairs may develop ingrown hairs. Shaving facilitates the process of ingrown hairs by “sharpening” the free hair end. Tender pimples then arise when closely cut hairs grow out and pierce the hair follicle or
curl back and re-enter the skin to cause a foreign body reaction.
This condition is known as Pseudo Folliculitis Barbae--PFB. The screw-shaped hair growth pattern, where hair winds itself like a screw, is more common with curly hair. To help relieve this condition, roll on PFB VANISH to affected areas morning and night two days prior to hair removal. After hair removal apply daily for maximum benefits.
Ingrown hair?
A “sharpened” hair re-enters the hair follicle causing an ingrown hair. After using PFB Vanish, the trapped hair is “lifted” above the skin surface.
Razor bumps?
A “sharpened” hair pierces a neighbouring hair follicle resulting in a razor bump. But the powerful exfoliatant's in PFB Vanish “lift” the hair above the
skin surface.
TAKE NOTE: The delicate skin in the bikini area is extremely vulnerable when newly waxed, especially the first 48 hours. It is the time of healing for the body so it’s important to keep this area clean and cool. I reccommend Trilogy Everything Balm or Mancine T.Tree Lotion It is best to wait 2 or 3 days for the skin to settle down before using any Ingrown hair serums.
Say Good Bye To Ingrown Hairs! Suitable for women & men!
Directions: Use on face, neck, underarms, legs, back and bikini areas. For maximum benefits apply daily after hair removal. If there are pre-existing ingrown hairs apply two times per day if using 2 times a day you will experience some dry skin shedding this is normal depending on the depth of the hair you should get results within a week but it may take as long as 6 weeks for the really deep ones to lift out above the skin line.
Precautions: Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Do not ingest. Do not use if allergic to aspirin. Keep out of children’s reach
Pregnant women: PFB Vanish has not been tested on pregnant women & is therefore not recommended for their use. In addition we do not know how much aspirin from PFB maybe transmitted through the blood stream into breast milk, so we do not recommend it for women who are breast feeding either. We always advise our customers that are pregnant or nursing to consult their physician before using this product.